Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 2017

Creating Bird's Nests 
The winter season is flying by and we are very excited for spring to come. The children have been investigating and exploring different animals like what they eat and the different homes they have. We began talking about animal care and the children were engaging in conversations about building a doghouse for their dog. This lead to a discussion of what other animal homes look like. After reading the book In the Nest, the children became interested in bird’s nests. We began exploring what a bird’s nest looks like by drawing the nest and what may be in the nest. The next week we used clay to create a nest. During the nest molding, the children began having conversations about baby worms being in the nest and also how the baby birds crack open their egg with their beak when they are ready to come out. To extend this lesson we will be building bird nests out of natural materials. To provoke the children’s thinking, we will be reading books about birds and also looking at some pictures of different bird nests. In the future we will be looking at how birds use their beaks and looking at worms. We look forward to seeing you at curriculum night on Wednesday April 12th.
- Mrs. Otis 

Objectives that were met from TS Gold
2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships
c. Interacts with peers
7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination
a. Uses fingers and hands
10. Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills
a. Engages in conversations
b. Uses social rules of language
11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages

Exploring Pathways

Hello families, as we approach the middle of the semester I would like to share with you some of the learning that had taken place during our explorations. We explored connecting roads to make pathways for their cars. I noticed that some of the children were not able to successfully connect the road pieces together to form a complete pathway. Therefore, we were working on connecting by manipulating different materials. One of our lessons consisted of manipulating Citi Blocks to find different ways to create pathways. The children used the Citi blocks to construct pathways that connected two or more locations such as the fire station, post office, house, and a police station that were pre- drawn on a large sheet of paper. The children discussed various ways to connect the Citi blocks to create a complete path.  Some of the questions that arose out of our conversations were, how do roads help us travel from place to place and how do we use maps? Another exploration consisted of observing a large road map with winding roads that connected to different places that we see in our communities. The children talked about what they saw on the road map as well as drew their very own pictures of roads and the places that they like to travel with their families.
Through these explorations the children strengthened their problem-solving skills as they discovered new ways of connecting a variety of materials to create a complete path. Furthermore, the children also strengthened their fine-motor skills by using their hands to manipulate and connect various materials. To extend the children’s thinking about how roads help us travel to different places we are going to continue talking about and looking at different types of maps and how we use them to find directions to different places. Parents, you can also participate in our map exploration by talking to your child about where things are relative to where he or she is standing this will help them establish positional awareness and directionality. You can ask your child questions such as What do you see behind you? What is in front of you? When you look up, what do you see above your head? Parents you can also play a simple” location” game with your child by asking questions such as What do you see under the table?; What do you see on top of the refrigerator?; What is on the bottom shelf of the book case. Lastly, Curriculum Night is Wednesday April 12 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm please join us as we talk about ongoing work in the programs curriculum. 

- Mrs. Joo 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Week in Review (1/23-1/27)

Week in Review (1/23-1/27)

Representing Tulips

Last week the children were able to watch tulips bloom and change within the classroom. They talked about how they looked and what they saw happening. We invited them to represent the tulips with line and color. First we heard students talking about the colors they saw such as green, pink, and purple. We offered them paints in these colors and noticed how they represented the tulips. During their work, they became more aware of how the stem and petals were shaped. We encouraged more detail and invited the children to represent the tulips by drawing them.

Objectives Met:

"25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things 
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials 
33. Explores the visual arts

Caring for Animals

After noticing the children's interest in animals, we added new materials to the dramatic play area. Children used their stuffed animals with collars, leashes, food bowls, and pet toys. We had a whole group discussion about it that helped prepare the children for exploring these items themselves. We discussed how to take care of animals and thought about specific things a pet might need.  It also led to journal writing about the pets we have at home or wish we had at home.

Objectives Met: 

25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things 
 30. Shows basic understanding of people and how they live 
14. Uses symbols and images to represent something not present 
a. Thinks symbolically 
b. Engages in sociodramatic play

Building for a Purpose

The children's interest in both construction and animals came together last week. We decided that it would "rain" in the block area and challenged children to create homes for animals that could keep the rain out. We repeated the exploration with snow and asked the children to think about how their homes could keep the animals warm as well. 

Objectives Met: 

 24. Uses scientific inquiry skills. 

25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials
27. Demonstrates knowledge of Earth’s environment 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Week in Review (1/17-1/20)

Week in Review (1/17-1/20)

New Blocks

Our classroom is always a Construction Zone! We brought some new, large hollow blocks into the building area to extend on this. The children have brought them out everyday this week to build icebergs, speed boats, pirate ships, roads, buildings, and more! It is exciting to watch them engage with this new material. We look forward to seeing what they construct next. 

Objectives Met:
11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 
a. Attends and engages
b. Persists
c. Solves problems
d. Shows curiosity and motivation
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking

Small Scientists

We are lucky enough to have a class full of scientists this year. Recently we have offered the children some new scientific experiments to explore. They studied the reaction of combining baking soda and vinegar. We also froze small toys in ice and challenge the students to get them out. They tested different methods such as adding hot water and scraping the ice with spoons. They enjoy noticing the cause and effects happening in their experiments. 

Objectives Met:
 24. Uses scientific inquiry skills.
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials

Pendulum Painting

It was exciting to combine movement and art this week when we used a pendulum for painting. We attached a cup and string to a frame creating a pendulum. The children put paint in the cup and watched what happened as it moved over the paper. "Its making a planet shape!" said James L. Kirby said "We need to make more dots"

Objectives Met:
11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 

a. Attends and engages 
b. Persists 
c. Solves problems 
d. Shows curiosity and motivation 
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking 
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials

Friday, January 13, 2017

Week in Review (1/9-1/13)

Week in Review (1/9-1/13)

Introducing Small Groups

We have seen such growth within the classroom! This semester we are introducing small groups as a way to create more one-on-one opportunities to work with the children on important skills. We have been doing small groups every morning before we go outside. So far the children have done some journal entries, worked on their cutting skills, practiced putting on their own gloves, and focused on writing their names. We are excited to see how the children continue to grow with this new addition to their day. 

Objectives Met:
16. Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
a. Identifies and names letters
b. Uses letter–sound knowledge
17. Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses 
19. Demonstrates emergent writing skills
a. Writes name
b. Writes to convey meaning

Going Camping

This week we have seen children asking to carry their backpacks around the classroom to go "hiking". We extended on this interest by setting up a camping opportunity for the students. We created a tent-like space by hanging a sheet and the children used blocks to create a camp fire. We also used pillows and blankets to "sleep" in the tent. It was exciting to hear the children telling "scary ghost stories" and using maps to go hiking. 

Objectives Met:
"1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
a. Manages feelings
b. Follows limits and expectations
c. Takes care of own needs appropriately
2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships
a. Forms relationships with adults
b. Responds to emotional cues
c. Interacts with peers
d. Makes friends
3. Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations
a. Balances needs and rights of self and others
B. Solves social problems

Creating Pathways

Students have used different types of blocks to create pathways this week. We asked them to collaborate on a path during group time where they each added one piece to connect two points. We saw them adding different turns and roads to their original paths and testing them with their trucks and even their bodies!

Objectives Met: 

"3. Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations 
a. Balances needs and rights of self and others 
B. Solves social problems"

Friday, December 9, 2016

Week in Review (5/8-5/9)

Week in Review (5/8-5/9)

Hitting the Road

This week we asked the children to help create their own roads in the block area. They chose where they should go and we used tape to create them. The students named thier roads with names like "Zippy Zoppy Road", "Northville Street", and "Chestnut Street". We added some bridges and tunnels to the roads as well. After watching the children drive their cars on the roads for a while, we offered them markers and clipboards to create maps of the roads. We saw students being very thoughtful about where they added roads and bridges and connecting their drawings to the actual roads. We are excited to extend on this more.

Objectives Met: 
4. Demonstrates traveling skills
5. Demonstrates balancing skills
6. Demonstrates gross motor manipulative skills
1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors
a. Manages feelings
b. Follows limits and expectations
c. Takes care of own needs appropriately

Active Art

We love having an active class! This week we focused on ways for the children to express themselves artistically while using their whole bodies. They were able to draw and paint on large spaces with different tools to create pictures. It was fun to see the children being active artists. 

Objectives Met:

c. Solves problems 

d. Shows curiosity and motivation 
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking 

4. Demonstrates traveling skills 

5. Demonstrates balancing skills 
6. Demonstrates gross motor manipulative skills

7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination 

a. Uses fingers and hands 
b. Uses writing and drawing tools

11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 

a. Attends and engages 
b. Persists 
33.Explores the visual arts 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Week in Review (11/28-12/2)

Week in Review (11/28-12/2)

Curriculum Night

Thank you to all of the families that came to Curriculum Night! It was wonderful to see students sharing their work with families. Most of this work is still posted throughout the classroom and on the board outside the room (above the drinking fountain). We invite you to take a look during drop-off or pick-up to see what your child has been up to.

Finding Out About Funnels

Students experimented with funnels with sand and water this week. They observed how the water traveled through the different funnels and used them to fill the cups. We talked about how full the cups were and compared different sizes and amounts. Children noticed it was easier to fill funnels with sand and that the water fell out of the funnels quicker. We talked about other similarities and differences as well.

Objectives Met:
24. Uses scientific inquiry skills
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials
28. Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks

Creating a Train

Students and Ms. Farhat continued their work with trains. Ms. Farhat brought large boxes the children could use as train cars.  The children lined them up and thought about what train cars would look like. We heard them talking about different types of train cars such as the engine, caboose, or coal car. Students enjoyed the opportunity to sit in the cars and have a more hands-on experience with trains. 
Objectives Met:

11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 
a. Attends and engages 
b. Persists 
c. Solves problems 
d. Shows curiosity and motivation 
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials