Week in Review: February 2nd- 5th
Exploring Force with Hand Pumps
Early Childhood Standards of Quality Met:
1. Early Learning Expectation:
Creativity-Imagination-Visualization. Children demonstrate a growing ability to
use originality or vision when approaching learning; use imagination, show ability
to visualize a solution or new concept.
2. 2.Early Learning Expectation:
Initiative-Engagement-Persistence Attentiveness. Children demonstrate the
quality of showing interest in learning; pursue learning independently.
3 3. Early
Learning Expectation: Curiosity–Inquiry-Questioning Tinkering-Risk Taking.
Children demonstrate an interest and eagerness in seeking information (e.g., be
able to see things from a different perspective, fiddling with something to
figure it out or attempting a reasonable solution).
4. Early Learning Expectation:
Resilience-Optimism-Confidence. Children demonstrate the capacity to cope with
change, persist, move ahead with spirit, vitality and a growing belief in one’s
ability to realize a goal.
5. Early Learning Expectation: Reasoning-Problem
Solving-Reflection. Children demonstrate a growing capacity to make meaning,
using one’s habits of mind to find a solution or figure something out.
6. Early Learning Expectation: Spoken
Language: Expressive. Children develop abilities to express themselves clearly
and communicate ideas to others.
7. Early Learning Expectation: Body Control
and Activity. Children increase their ability to understand and control their
bodies and learn that regular physical activity can enhance their overall
physical, social, and mental health.
8. Early Learning Expectation: Gross Motor
Development. Children experience growth in gross motor development and use
large muscles to improve a variety of gross motor skills in a variety of both
structured and unstructured and planned and spontaneous settings.
9. Early Learning Expectation: Fine Motor
Development. Children experience growth in fine motor development and use small
muscles to improve a variety of fine motor skills both in structured and
unstructured settings.
10 .Early Learning Expectation: Observation and
Inquiry. Children develop positive attitudes and gain knowledge about science
through observation and active play.
Reflecting Light in Mirrors
Our classroom is familiar with manipulating the light from the light table. This week we introduced flashlights to the children. We provoked their play with mirrors set at a 90 degree angle. The boys and girls were curious about how the light reflected in the mirror. Many of them used the flashlights to shine lights in different parts of the room. Ayden C said "My light is soaring like an eagle!" when she shone her light on the ceiling. Some used the lights to help them search for things. Ethan told us "I'm going to find something with this light" when he shone it in a dark corner.
Early Childhood Standards of Quality Met:
1. Early Learning Expectation: Creativity-Imagination-Visualization. Children demonstrate a growing ability to use originality or vision when approaching learning; use imagination, show ability to visualize a solution or new concept.
2. 2.Early Learning Expectation: Initiative-Engagement-Persistence Attentiveness. Children demonstrate the quality of showing interest in learning; pursue learning independently.
3 3. Early Learning Expectation: Curiosity–Inquiry-Questioning Tinkering-Risk Taking. Children demonstrate an interest and eagerness in seeking information (e.g., be able to see things from a different perspective, fiddling with something to figure it out or attempting a reasonable solution).
4. Early Learning Expectation: Resilience-Optimism-Confidence. Children demonstrate the capacity to cope with change, persist, move ahead with spirit, vitality and a growing belief in one’s ability to realize a goal.
5. Early Learning Expectation: Reasoning-Problem Solving-Reflection. Children demonstrate a growing capacity to make meaning, using one’s habits of mind to find a solution or figure something out.
6. Early Learning Expectation: Spoken Language: Expressive. Children develop abilities to express themselves clearly and communicate ideas to others.
1. 7 .Early Learning Expectation: Observation and Inquiry. Children develop positive attitudes and gain knowledge about science through observation and active play.
Extending on the Mail System
Early Childhood Standards of Quality Met:
1. 1. Early Learning Expectation:
Participation-Cooperation-Play Networking-Contribution. Demonstrate increasing
ability to be together with others, in play or intellectual learning
opportunities and/or making positive efforts for the good of all; join a
community of learners in person and digitally as appropriate.
2. 2. Early Learning Expectation: Respect for Self
and Others — Mental and Behavioral Health. Children exhibit a growing regard
for one’s mind and capacity to learn; demonstrate the capacity of consideration
for others; show a growing capacity to self-regulate and demonstrate
3. 3. Early Learning Expectation:
Responsibility-Ethical Actions. Children are becoming accountable or reliable
for their actions to self and others.
1. 4. Early Learning Expectation: Writing Skills.
Children begin to develop writing skills to communicate and express themselves
effectively for a variety of purposes.
5. Early Learning Expectation: Viewing
Images and Other Media Materials. Children begin to develop strategies that
assist them in viewing a variety of images and multimedia materials effectively
and critically.
6. Early Learning Expectation: Positive
Attitudes about Literacy. Children develop positive attitudes about themselves
as literate beings — as readers, writers, speakers, viewers, and listeners.
7. Early Learning Expectation: Diversity of
Communication. Children begin to understand that communication is diverse and
that people communicate in a variety of ways.
Adding Friction to our Ramps
As part of our interest in force, the children have been looking at gravity and ramps. They liked the way their cars would roll down ramps and worked on pushing them up ramps as well. We added "speed bumps" to the ramps and observed how it affected the children's play. They noticed that some cars could roll over the bumps while others would stop. They used their problem solving skills to use different cars or try pushing their cars over the bumps.
Early Childhood Standards of Quality Met:
1. Early Learning Expectation:
Creativity-Imagination-Visualization. Children demonstrate a growing ability to
use originality or vision when approaching learning; use imagination, show ability
to visualize a solution or new concept.
2. Early Learning Expectation:
Initiative-Engagement-Persistence Attentiveness. Children demonstrate the
quality of showing interest in learning; pursue learning independently.
3. Early
Learning Expectation: Curiosity–Inquiry-Questioning Tinkering-Risk Taking.
Children demonstrate an interest and eagerness in seeking information (e.g., be
able to see things from a different perspective, fiddling with something to
figure it out or attempting a reasonable solution).
4. Early Learning Expectation:
Resilience-Optimism-Confidence. Children demonstrate the capacity to cope with
change, persist, move ahead with spirit, vitality and a growing belief in one’s
ability to realize a goal.
5. Early Learning Expectation: Reasoning-Problem
Solving-Reflection. Children demonstrate a growing capacity to make meaning,
using one’s habits of mind to find a solution or figure something out.
6.Early Learning Expectation: Observation and
Inquiry. Children develop positive attitudes and gain knowledge about science
through observation and active play.
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